Relevant Experience

Browse or download our Company Profile to see our projects portfolio:

  • 2023

    Project Country Client
    Community Energy Needs Assessment for Agriculture and Fisheries Processing Mozambique World Food Program (WFP)
    Energy assessment for the deployment of renewable energy solutions for 40 healthcare facilities in Mozambique Mozambique IRENA
    Technical Assistance to the National Regulator (ARENE) in development of a Mini Grid Tender Mechanism Mozambique Get.Transform
    Design and management of a pilot fund for productive use of energy solutions in resettlement sites of Sofala Province Mozambique IOM
    Development of a National Clean Cooking Strategy and Investment Prospectus Mozambique FUNAE / WB
    Due Diligence on projects shortlisted for the Modern Cooking Facility for Africa Mozambique / Tanzania NEFCO
    Capacity Building and Business Development Support to a decentralized solar energy company Mozambique Get.invest
    Development of a white paper for scaling Renewable Energy Distributed Generation in Mozambique Mozambique GET.transform
    Business plan and financial model development for solar home system and productive use of energy technology in Niassa Province Mozambique Private Sector Client
    Pilot test and market assessment for Gasifier Clean Cookstoves in Beira city Mozambique Get.invest / Supamoto
    Biofuels market assessment and investment advisory support Mozambique Total Energies
    Training on Distributed Generation for institutional and key partners in Mozambique Mozambique Get.transform
    Assessment on energy access and needs in the 9 (nine) resettlement sites in Sofala, Manica and Zambezia Mozambique IOM/Shell

  • 2022

    Project Country Client
    Training on hydropower pre-feasibility studies for FUNAE technicians Mozambique Marge / Enabel
    Feasibility of hydropower injection into, and extension of the national (EDM) grid in the Nintulo area in Mozambique Mozambique Marge / Enabel
    Productive Use of Energy Fund Design for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Sofala and Manica Provinces Mozambique Shell/IOM
    Productive Use of Energy Market Assessment in Nampula and Zambezia Province Mozambique Practical Action / SNV
    End of Life Management Assessment for Solar Energy Products in Mozambique (e-waste) Mozambique Marge / Enabel
    Technical Assistance to the National Regulator (ARENE) in development and use of a mini-grid tariff tool Mozambique Get.Transform
    Market and consumer study into bio-briquettes for urban domestic or productive use in the Lower Zambezi River Basin in Mozambique Mozambique Enabel
    Mozambique biomass energy survey: households and small businesses Mozambique MIREME / AFREC
    Pilot test and market assessment for Gasifier Clean Cookstoves in Quelimane city Mozambique Get.invest / Supamoto
    Biomass feedstock supply assessment for Clean Cooking Stove Project Mozambique GET.invest
    Go to Market strategy for Solar Home Systems in Mozambique Mozambique Private Sector
    GET.Invest Market Insights for Commercial and Industrial Solar and IPPs Mozambique Get.invest
    Feasibility of hydropower injection into, and extension of the national (EDM) grid in the Nintulo area in Mozambique Mozambique Marge / Enabel

  • 2018 - 2021

    Project Country Client
    Development of Livelihood Strategy & Implementation Plan for the Enter Energy Mozambique Shell/IOM
    Feasibility studies and draft projects for 11 photovoltaic mini-grids in Mozambique Mozambique Engreen / WB
    Assessment of energy projects to promote Low Carbon Growth in Mozambique as part of the NDCs Mozambique Engreen / GGGI
    Off-grid Solar Market Update Analysis and Report Mozambique Tetra Tech
    Formulation of conceptual and strategic points of entry for mainstreaming gender in the promotion of sustainable access to energy for all in Mozambique Mozambique Enabel
    Definition of priority focal areas, of German Financial and Technical Cooperation in Mozambique Mozambique KfW
    Assessment on energy access, use, needs, markets and challenges in 4 resettlement sites in Sofala & Manica province, Mozambique Mozambique Shell / IOM
    Off-Grid energy regulatory and institutional strengthening support under BRILHO Program Mozambique FCDO / SNV
    Market Scoping study for the Beyond the Grid Fund For Africa Mozambique REEEP
    Pre-feasibility Studies in 30 Off-grid Sites Mozambique FCDO
    Market Assessment For The Africa Clean Energy (ACE) Technical Assistance Facility Mozambique COFFEY/ FCDO
    Off-grid solar market assessment in Mozambique Mozambique World Bank

  • 2014 - 2017

    Project Country Client
    Technical Assistance for development of the EU Project Preparation Facility (PPF) and Promove Energia Action Document (94 Million EUR fund) Mozambique EU Commission
    Energy Africa COMPACT document development Mozambique DFID
    Pilot Project To Demonstrate Private Sector Role In Rural Electrification In Mozambique With Focus On Solar Energy Mozambique Enabe / FUNAE
    Design Of Market Development Approach Of Small Solar Systems For Funae Mozambique Enabel
    Rural Energy Shop Pilot – Cabo Delgado, Mozambique Mozambique Giz – Endev
    SE4ALL Action Agenda and Investment Prospectus Angola Marge / AFDB
    Renewables in Mozambique – National Status Report Mozambique ALER
    External Evaluation Of Solar Energy Projects And Investigation Of New Opportunities Mozambique FOS-Belgian Socialist Solidarity
    Survey of Scalable Business Models for Alternative Biomass Cooking Fuels and their potential in Kenya Kenya WB
    Survey of Scalable Business Models for Alternative Biomass Cooking Fuels and their potential in Uganda Uganda WB
    Survey of Scalable Business Models for Alternative Biomass Cooking Fuels and their potential in Rwanda Rwanda WB
    Survey of Scalable Business Models for Alternative Biomass Cooking Fuels and their potential in Madagascar Madagascar WB
    Baseline Study For The Kudura Solar Mini-Grid Project – Pembara Mozambique Rve.Sol
    Market Analysis and Feasibility Study For A Cotton Waste To Energy Project Mozambique Energias De Portugal (Edp) And Jfs
    Socio-Economic And Feasibility Study For The Small Hydro Based Mini-Grid Electrification Of Meponda And Machele Villages - Niassa Mozambique BTC / FUNAE
    Bamboo Briquette Pilot Project Mozambique Solidaridad
    Improved Cookstoves Baseline Study Under Endev Result-Based Financing – Maputo, Manica, Cabo Delgado Mozambique GIZ
    Local Capacity Builder For Renewable Energy Component – Biomass Energy And Improved Cook-Stoves Mozambique SNV
    Sustainable Charcoal Production National Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) support to Government of Mozambique Mozambique BGP
    Assessment of Biofuels Crop Expansion in Mozambique Mozambique ODI

  • 2010 - 2013

    Project Country Client
    Baseline Study For The Kudura Solar Mini-Grid Project – Pembara Mozambique Rve.Sol
    Market Analysis and Feasibility Study For A Cotton Waste To Energy Project Mozambique Energias De Portugal (Edp) And Jfs
    Socio-Economic And Feasibility Study For The Small Hydro Based Mini-Grid Electrification Of Meponda And Machele Villages - Niassa Mozambique BTC / FUNAE
    Bamboo Briquette Pilot Project Mozambique Solidaridad
    Improved Cookstoves Baseline Study Under Endev Result-Based Financing – Maputo, Manica, Cabo Delgado Mozambique GIZ
    Local Capacity Builder For Renewable Energy Component – Biomass Energy And Improved Cook-Stoves Mozambique SNV
    Sustainable Charcoal Production National Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) support to Government of Mozambique Mozambique BGP
    Assessment of Biofuels Crop Expansion in Mozambique Mozambique ODI
    Assessment of the LPG value chain and market analysis Mozambique SNV
    Study to support SASOL alternative energy operations in Mozambique Mozambique Sasol
    EU-BEST Biomass Energy Country Study Mozambique EU / MIREME
    Biofuels Sustainability Assessment Mozambique, Ethiopia, Tanzania SEI / ODI
    Ethanol cookstove and cooking fuel pilot program Mozambique Cleanstar
    Mozambique Biofuels Industry Assessment Mozambique Winrock International


Tel.: +258 21 080 952
Office location: Rua Jose Macamo 285, Maputo, Mozambique